What we do
Our management team utilises market-leading analysis and we apply a rigorous investment screening process in order to develop a proprietary set of risk-adjusted asset allocation models and our own research adds a critical layer of shorter-term asset allocation and fund selection.
At the end of each quarter we will review your investments to ensure that your portfolios remain perfectly in line with both your aims and current and predicted market conditions.
We offer a range of eight portfolios which are grouped into three themes: Capital Growth, Future Focused and Natural Income. With the support of your IFA/Financial Planner, and in conjunction with our independent risk assessment questionnaire, you can identify which of these options is most suited to your objectives. We aim to achieve a balance of risk and reward according to your specific situation and goals. But priority number one is to protect and grow your assets in a controlled, positive way.
The key philosophy behind our investment process is the firm belief that over the long term equity investments (i.e. those made into the shares of companies), while posing a higher risk, perform better than things like cash and bonds and further to this, regularly reviewing the allocations selected is imperative to securing long-term returns. Our process identifies geographic regions where we think value can be had, but the key is to rebalance these predictions regularly to ensure that portfolios are not over or underweight in any region.
Of course, another key element is making sure that the underlying investments remain suitable for your needs and this means that we recognise the importance of strong relationships between clients and their financial advisers. This relationship ensures that as your situation changes your investment portfolio can reflect it.
Click here for more information on the portfolios that we offer.
The value of units can fall as well as rise, and you may not get back all of your original investment.