The Argentis Asset Allocation Committee
It is our fundamental belief that a significant portion of investment returns stem not from the selection of individual holdings, but from where those holdings reside. You can carefully select the best available fund in a particular geographic region but this effort can quickly be undone if the region itself underperforms. To put this another way, it is often better to pick the worse fund in the best region than the best fund in the worst region.
For this reason the heart of our investment process is the Argentis Asset Allocation Committee. This committee is responsible for setting the tactical asset allocations which comprise the basis of all of our in-house investment solutions. The committee meets on a quarterly basis to review the long-term asset allocations which are built into our risk profile questionnaire. The questionnaire is designed to assess an individual's capacity for loss based on the historical performance of a range of different asset classes and it creates a base on which we overlay our assessment of current events.
The committee receives input from our investment partners at Hawksmoor and includes representatives from across Argentis to ensure that we take account of different viewpoints. The intention is to take account of the prevailing trends which are driving market returns whilst ensuring that we do not stray out of line with individual risk profiles so that our clients can be confident that we do not take excessive risks with their investments.