Key Information Documents (KIDs) / Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs)
From the 1st of July 2018 new European regulations came into force which required us to make Key (Investor) Information Documents (K(I)IDs) available for the portfolios managed by IMS Capital. These documents are issued in addition to the Key Features Documents (KFD).
What is a K(I)ID?
The K(I)ID is a two page document describing the key information you need to know about a fund before you invest, such as the nature of the fund, its charges, and the risk associated with investing into it. Information contained in the K(I)IDs is required by law and enables easy fund comparison across different asset management companies.
What is the difference between a K(I)ID and the KFD?
Whereas the KFD encompasses the entire fund and product range, K(I)IDs will be produced for each individual fund and be supplied as separate documents.
How will this benefit you?
It will be much simpler for you to see the details of each fund at a glance. The regulations are designed to ensure customers have essential information upfront before they invest. The information is concise and specific, so it's quick and easy to decide if the fund meets your needs.
Will there be any changes to investments?
As part of this initiative, we are not making changes to your investments, or how we manage them.
Please click on the options below to view the K(I)IDs for each of our portfolios:
Other financial tools:
Portfolio Questionnaire
By asking a series of questions about your investment time frame and your views on risk and return, this tool can help you to decide which of our portfolios is right for you.
Portfolio QuestionnairePortfolio Types
We offer a range of portfolios suitable for clients looking for long-term growth, those keen on ethical considerations, or those focused on generating a sustainable income.
Portfolio Types